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The following pictures of dinosaurs are arranged alphabetically for quick reference.
The name of the dinosaur, along with some brief information, is located under each picture.
The name of the dinosaur, along with some brief information, is located under each picture.

Allosaurus was a thirty-eight foot carnivore.

Apatosaurus used to be known as Brontosaurus.

Diplodocids were the longest dinosaurs.

Dromeosaurs are more commonly known as "raptors".

Giganotosaurus, a forty-seven foot carnivore, was bigger than Tyrannosaurus rex.

Ichthyosaurs were swift swimmers that fed on fish.

Iguanodon had a sharp spike on the end of each thumb.

Lambeosaurus was the largest of the hadrosaurs (duck-billed dinosaurs).

Ouranosaurus was a hadrosaur (duck-billed dinosaur) with a sail-like fin on its back.

Parasaurolophus was a hadrosaur (duck-billed dinosaur) with a long, tubular crest.

Pteranodon was a fish-eating pterosaur with a twenty-five foot wingspan.
Quetzalcoatlus, an enormous pterosaur, had a forty-foot wingspan.

Stygimoloch had a thick-domed skull ringed with spikes.

Styracosaurus, was a ceratopsian (horned dinosaur) with spikes on its bony frill.

Triceratops, the largest ceratopsian (horned dinosaur) , reached thirty feet in length.