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Genesis 1:21 "And God created great whales,..."(KJV). The phrase great whales is translated from the Hebrew word, tannim, which literally means "long creatures" and is frequently translated sea monsters in this context. This word would include the extinct dinosaur-like sea dragons.
Genesis 1:24 "And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind,..."(KJV). The creation of the land animals on the sixth day would include the creation of the dinosaurs.
Genesis 6:4 "There were giants in the earth in those days;..."(KJV). There is sufficient fossil evidence to support the theory that organisms grew larger in the days before Noah's flood. The fossilized remains which have been discovered include dragonflies with three foot wingspans, foot-long cockroaches, ten-foot beavers and armadillos, apes which stood over eight feet tall, deer with twelve-foot antler spans, bears and lions twice as heavy as their modern counterparts, camels that stood eighteen feet tall, vultures with twenty-four foot wingspans, pelicans with nineteen foot wingspans, ostrich-like birds that stood thirteen feet tall and weighed over a thousand pounds, crocodiles and great white sharks nearly fifty feet long. Oversized, fossilized human footprints found along with dinosaur tracks in the limestone bed of the Paluxy River near Glen Rose, TX, have a six-foot stride and must have belonged to humans which stood over eight feet tall. Dinosaurs reached the greatest sizes of all the land animals, in some cases reaching lengths of more than 150 feet and weights of more than 100 tons. Exactly why organisms grew so large before the flood is uncertain, but the prevailing creationist theory is that the earth was surrounded by a water vapor canopy that shielded it from ultraviolet radiation and doubled the atmospheric pressure causing the cells of organisms to be super oxygenated (see Genesis 1:6-7). The effects of this water vapor canopy would also greatly increase the life spans of organisms (see Genesis 5).
Job 40:15-24 The behemoth does not fit a description of an elephant or hippopotamus as some commentators have interpreted it, but rather fits the description of one of the sauropod dinosaurs. Like the sauropods, it is a plant eater (v. 15), has a massive tail, compared to a cedar tree (v. 17), has huge bones as strong as bars of iron (v. 18), and can cross the Jordan River in full flood season without being swept away (v. 23). The behemoth is described as the largest and most powerful of all land animals (vs. 16, 19, 24). The sauropod dinosaurs were the largest known creatures to ever walk the earth. Sauropods included the diplodocids, the titanosaurids, and the brachiosaurids.
The diplodocids were the longest dinosaurs. This group, which included Amphicoelias and Diplodocus, had very long necks and tails. Some diplodocids were longer than half a football field.
The titanosaurids were the heaviest dinosaurs. This group, which included Paralititan and Argentinosaurus, had relatively shorter necks and tails than the diplodocids, but were heavier built. Some titanosaurids weighed more than 100 tons.
The brachiosaurids were the tallest dinosaurs. This group, which included Brachiosaurus and Sauroposeidon, had very long necks and short tails and differed from other sauropods in that their front legs were longer than their back legs. Sauroposeidon could look over the top of a six-story building.
Job 41:1-34 The leviathan does not fit a description of a crocodile or a whale as some commentators have interpreted, but much better fits the description of one of the dinosaur-like sea dragons such as the pliosaurs, plesiosaurs, mosasaurs, or ichthyosaurs. All of these groups had representatives at least 40 feet in length. The large jaws and teeth of the leviathan (v. 14) probably exclude a plesiosaur or ichthyosaur. Pliosaurs reached 40 feet in length with skulls nearly seven feet long. Mosasaurs had serpentine bodies that reached lengths of 60 feet and had skulls over six feet long filled with large, sharp teeth.
The leviathan is described as impervious to harpoons or spears (Job 41:7), fiercer than all other creatures (v. 10), having huge jaws and teeth (v. 14), protected by dense scales (vs. 15-17), having great strength (v. 22-23), fearless (v. 24-25, 33), and impervious to swords, arrows, or slingshots (v. 26-29). Clearly the leviathan is an aquatic animal (v. 31). In Psalm 104:26, the leviathans are described as playing in the sea. In Isaiah 27:1, the leviathan is described as a serpent, an excellent description of a Mosasaur, which was serpentine in shape and had the hinged jaws of a serpent. In Job 41:18-21, the leviathan is said to be able to breathe fire out of its nostrils. Because of this, some commentators have tried to pass the leviathan off as a mythological creature or a fairy tale, yet there is an insect living today, which possesses this amazing ability. The bombardier beetle uses special glands in its body to mix hydroquinone and hydrogen peroxide in an aqueous base, along with an inhibitor in an abdominal chamber. When threatened by a predator, the flow of inhibitor is stopped, causing the mix to explode from an opening in the beetle's abdomen, spraying the threatening predator with a gas that is 212 degrees Fahrenheit. Some dinosaurs had hollow chambers in their skulls, connected to their nostrils, which may have served a similar function. Job 41:33-34 declares the leviathan to be the most powerful of all God's creatures.
Genesis 1:24 "And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind,..."(KJV). The creation of the land animals on the sixth day would include the creation of the dinosaurs.
Genesis 6:4 "There were giants in the earth in those days;..."(KJV). There is sufficient fossil evidence to support the theory that organisms grew larger in the days before Noah's flood. The fossilized remains which have been discovered include dragonflies with three foot wingspans, foot-long cockroaches, ten-foot beavers and armadillos, apes which stood over eight feet tall, deer with twelve-foot antler spans, bears and lions twice as heavy as their modern counterparts, camels that stood eighteen feet tall, vultures with twenty-four foot wingspans, pelicans with nineteen foot wingspans, ostrich-like birds that stood thirteen feet tall and weighed over a thousand pounds, crocodiles and great white sharks nearly fifty feet long. Oversized, fossilized human footprints found along with dinosaur tracks in the limestone bed of the Paluxy River near Glen Rose, TX, have a six-foot stride and must have belonged to humans which stood over eight feet tall. Dinosaurs reached the greatest sizes of all the land animals, in some cases reaching lengths of more than 150 feet and weights of more than 100 tons. Exactly why organisms grew so large before the flood is uncertain, but the prevailing creationist theory is that the earth was surrounded by a water vapor canopy that shielded it from ultraviolet radiation and doubled the atmospheric pressure causing the cells of organisms to be super oxygenated (see Genesis 1:6-7). The effects of this water vapor canopy would also greatly increase the life spans of organisms (see Genesis 5).
Job 40:15-24 The behemoth does not fit a description of an elephant or hippopotamus as some commentators have interpreted it, but rather fits the description of one of the sauropod dinosaurs. Like the sauropods, it is a plant eater (v. 15), has a massive tail, compared to a cedar tree (v. 17), has huge bones as strong as bars of iron (v. 18), and can cross the Jordan River in full flood season without being swept away (v. 23). The behemoth is described as the largest and most powerful of all land animals (vs. 16, 19, 24). The sauropod dinosaurs were the largest known creatures to ever walk the earth. Sauropods included the diplodocids, the titanosaurids, and the brachiosaurids.
The diplodocids were the longest dinosaurs. This group, which included Amphicoelias and Diplodocus, had very long necks and tails. Some diplodocids were longer than half a football field.
The titanosaurids were the heaviest dinosaurs. This group, which included Paralititan and Argentinosaurus, had relatively shorter necks and tails than the diplodocids, but were heavier built. Some titanosaurids weighed more than 100 tons.
The brachiosaurids were the tallest dinosaurs. This group, which included Brachiosaurus and Sauroposeidon, had very long necks and short tails and differed from other sauropods in that their front legs were longer than their back legs. Sauroposeidon could look over the top of a six-story building.
Job 41:1-34 The leviathan does not fit a description of a crocodile or a whale as some commentators have interpreted, but much better fits the description of one of the dinosaur-like sea dragons such as the pliosaurs, plesiosaurs, mosasaurs, or ichthyosaurs. All of these groups had representatives at least 40 feet in length. The large jaws and teeth of the leviathan (v. 14) probably exclude a plesiosaur or ichthyosaur. Pliosaurs reached 40 feet in length with skulls nearly seven feet long. Mosasaurs had serpentine bodies that reached lengths of 60 feet and had skulls over six feet long filled with large, sharp teeth.
The leviathan is described as impervious to harpoons or spears (Job 41:7), fiercer than all other creatures (v. 10), having huge jaws and teeth (v. 14), protected by dense scales (vs. 15-17), having great strength (v. 22-23), fearless (v. 24-25, 33), and impervious to swords, arrows, or slingshots (v. 26-29). Clearly the leviathan is an aquatic animal (v. 31). In Psalm 104:26, the leviathans are described as playing in the sea. In Isaiah 27:1, the leviathan is described as a serpent, an excellent description of a Mosasaur, which was serpentine in shape and had the hinged jaws of a serpent. In Job 41:18-21, the leviathan is said to be able to breathe fire out of its nostrils. Because of this, some commentators have tried to pass the leviathan off as a mythological creature or a fairy tale, yet there is an insect living today, which possesses this amazing ability. The bombardier beetle uses special glands in its body to mix hydroquinone and hydrogen peroxide in an aqueous base, along with an inhibitor in an abdominal chamber. When threatened by a predator, the flow of inhibitor is stopped, causing the mix to explode from an opening in the beetle's abdomen, spraying the threatening predator with a gas that is 212 degrees Fahrenheit. Some dinosaurs had hollow chambers in their skulls, connected to their nostrils, which may have served a similar function. Job 41:33-34 declares the leviathan to be the most powerful of all God's creatures.